Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
Popularly known as grey cement, OPC has 96% clinker and 4% gypsum and other materials. It accounts for 60% of the total consumption.
We manufacture two different grades of OPC - 53 grade and 43 grade.
Portland cement derives its name from its similarity to Portland stone, which was quarried on the Isle of Portland in Dorset, England. It was named by Joseph Aspdin, an English cement manufacturer, who obtained a patent for it in 1824.
53 grade OPC
Used for higher strength concrete
Is economical
Per BIS requirements, the minimum 28-day compressive strength should not be less than 53 MPa
Can save 8-10% of cement in concrete
mix design

43 grade OPC
Most popular general-purpose cement
Accounts for ~50% of the total cement produced in India
As per BIS requirements, the minimum 28-day compressive strength should be minimum 43 MPa and maximum 58 MPa