Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)
GGBS is mainly used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. When added as an admixture to concrete, it acts as a stabilising agent and improves the quality of concrete. In the production of ready-mixed concrete, GGBS replaces a substantial portion of the Portland cement component, generally about 60-70%.
Used on its own, GGBS hardens at a very slow rate. It is generally activated by mixing-in Portland cement. In the majority of cases, the mix ratio is 50:50 although percentages of GGBS can vary between 20-80% with Portland, depending on the construction requirement.
Resistant to sulfate attacks, chloride -related corrosion and alkali-silica reaction
One of the greenest construction materials that does not produce any waste
Water demand lower by 3-5% compared to OPC